Angel and Stanley Reunited June 9th. 2012!!

“Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you have never met.

Flat Stanley and Voice For The Horse Mascot Angel have a history together which originated back in 2010!! Flat Stanley, sent all the way up from Calabasas, Ca. U.S.A. spotted a picture of her (what was even more exciting is she was also a flat character embedded on my signage at my booth at the Mane Event Expo!!) and as soon as he nestled up to her to have his picture taken, love struck him in his heart! He was only able to visit with her this day and never ever was able to forget about her as the caption in the photo above says “Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you have never met”. Three years later Stanley is reunited together again with Angel and vows to spend the rest of his days with her as Angel promises to him too!

Thank you for sharing this memorable day as Angel and Stanley (who is destined to become a Virtual Horse Character where he will never have to leave Angel’s side again) … The journey has only begun!

Click here to read about this most memorable day!